Y.digital Opens New Office in Asia

Y.digital opened its 1st office in Asia. With this strategic move, we are expanding our footprint to the APAC market and growing the team.
October 12, 2021

Y.digital just opened its 1st office in Asia last month. With this strategic move, we are expanding our footprint to the APAC market and growing the team.

“By opening a new office in Asia, we want to share knowledge and unlock the many opportunities we see in Asia as well as in Europe”, says Y.digital CEO Paul van der Hulst.

“Advances in data collection and aggregation, algorithms and computer processing power are boosting productivity. In many sectors, the demand for AI solutions, therefore, is growing rapidly. In B2C Asia is way ahead and developing at an incredible pace, in Europe, we are leading in B2B processes. We expect great things from transferring and leveraging our knowledge and propositions across the regions for our customers.”

Dr Nhat Dang was appointed as Managing Director of Y.digital Asia. ”We have been working together with Y.digital Europe on various projects and product development for over a year. From our office strategically located in Danang (Vietnam) we support customers throughout the region via the WorldClass international airport and remote. The high-calibre team and skills in both offices deliver great results for our customers. We see many opportunities for the propositions we are working on for the Asian markets and look forward to our continued growth”.

Y.digital is specialized in AI with a focus on natural language understanding for voice and chat and document processing. The organization works for A-brands in finance, health and utility.

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